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Determination of pH and E. C. From irrigation water sample

Title. - Determination of PH and electrical conductivity from irrigation water sample

Determination of PH.-
The pH value is the negative normal logarithmic of the hydrogen ion activity.
 As a result of presence of strong bases increase PH value and presence of strong acid cause decrease in pH value.
 The pH value of neutral water usually lie between 6.5 to 7.5 .
lower value of PH results of free carbonates #decalcification in surface water can increase PH value upto 9.5

 Apparatus . -
 PH metre with glass calomel electrode assembly.
Buffer solution of PH 4, 7, 9.2
  1. Take 50 ml water sample in hundred ml beaker .
  2. Determine pH of water.
  3. Before measurement of pH of sample standardise the pH metre using standard buffer solution.
  4.   Result -------
 PH ratings -
  1. <6.5.              Acidic 
  2. 6.5 to 7.5.     Neutral 
  3. >7.5.              Basic /alkali. 

Determination of electrical conductivity. -

Electrical conductivity is the measure of water capacity to carry electric current. Electric conductivity of the water is directly proportional to its dissolved mineral matter content. 
The electrical conductivity is the ds/m.
Since Electrical conductivity varies directly with the temperature of sample the result is usually reported at 25 degree Celsius

Procedure. -
Take 50 ml water sample in hundred ml beaker for the determination electrical conductivity by using commercial electrical conductivity metre.
 the instrument has to be check constantly by using standard potassium chloride solution.

Results -   ------- ds/m

Electrical conductivity ratings.-

0 to 1.        -    normal
1 to 2.        -    unsuitable for irrigation 
2 to 3.        -     high
>3.              -      very high


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