Determination of sodium from irrigation water sample.
Small amount of sodium are generally present in the best quality of irrigation water. Sodium constitutes about 50% or more of total cations of saline and sodic water.
The content of sodium maybe quite Hagi in saline water and containing relatively less amount of calcium and magnesium at Higher level of sodium it also exerts a toxic effect on the plant growth. Therfore determination of sodium in irrigation water is very important for predicting for the harmful effect On soil and crops and judging the suitability of water for irrigation.
The Determination Sodium Potassium is carried out directly with help of flame photometer using appropriate filter and standard curve prepared by taking known concentration of sodium.
Reagents -
1) Std. Sodium solutions (stock solution) -
Dissolve 5.845 gram of sodium chloride(AR) in distilled water and make up the volume with 1 litre with distilled water.
This gives hundred Milli equivalent per litre stock solutions of sodium.
Standard curve of sodium. -
From stock solution 0,1,2,3,4,5ml solutions in diluted to 1000ml. This solution would contain 0, 0.1, 0.2 ,0.3, 0.4, 0.5 Milli equivalent sodium per litre respectively. A curve is drawn by plotting flame Photometer reading on Y axis & concentration of sodium on X axis
Procedure -
Automize the irrigation water sample into the Flame Photometer & record the reading.
Draw graph factor.
Calculation. -
Sodium of water extract =
Graph factor (m. Eq. /lit.) × flame Photometer reading.
Result -
The given sodium of water extract is --------m. Eq. / lit.
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